
orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil



Jatoba is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The large trees attain heights up to 40m and diameters up to 1 m. The trunk has a fairly straight shape, which makes it possible to produce larger dimensions.



The heartwood has a pink red to orange red color, darkening to (dark) red brown. Often with a pattern of small black stripes. The grey brown sapwood is easy to distinguish. The heartwood has a nice lustre. The grain is straight, sometimes interlocked. The texture is fine to medium fine.


Processing properties

Despite the high density, machining goes fairly easy, resulting in a smooth surface. The gluing and finishing properties (including oil/stain) are rather good, even though the surface is very closed. Pre-drilling is recommended. Drying goes well, with few problems.



Jatoba is used for a wide range of applications:

Interior: e.g. flooring, parquet, stairs, furniture and window frames

Exterior: e.g. cladding, doors, window frames, constructions and garden furniture

For more information, please contact us: sales@preciouswoods.com