
provém das florestas que crescem na região amazônica do Brasil



Massaranduba is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The large trunk have a straight and cylindrical shape, and attain a maximum diameter of 180 cm, however most of the trunks are much thinner. The trunks contain "balata", which is used as a substitute for rubber in some countries.



The heartwood is flesh-colored to reddish brown. It darkens slightly after exposure to reddish or purple brown. The 3-5 cm wide whitish sapwood is easy to distinguish. The grain is straight (sometimes curved or interlocked) and the texture is fine.


Processing properties

Machining goes quite well, with a smooth result despite the high density. The fine sawdust can cause an allergic reaction.  Pre-drilling is recommended. With gluing and finishing is limited experience but is reported to be good. The GluGreen® Technology could successfully be applied to green sawn timber. Drying goes slowly with a tendency to check and bend. To avoid checking during air drying, the timber needs to be protected from the weather.



This very strong and durable species is used for a wide spread of applications, like hydraulic constructions, bridges, jetties, sheet piling, stables, boardwalks, piles and garden timber.  Massaranduba is a perfect substitute for Bangkirai.

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