
provém das florestas que crescem na região amazônica do Brasil



Guariuba is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The trees attain diameter up to 80 cm and a height up to 40 m. The trunks have a straight and cylindrical shape. The sapwood is 2-5 cm wide.



Freshly cut, the timber has a light yellow to orange red color, strongly darkening to (dark) brown.  Plain sawn timber shows a nice pattern. The timber has a tendency to ring shakes (delaminating of the growth rings). The heartwood has a moderate lustre. The whitish yellow sapwood is easy to distinguish. The grain is mainly straight and the texture is fine. This species is approved for window frames according to the Dutch KOMO guidelines. The heartwood has a tendency to bleed.


Processing properties

Machining results in a pretty smooth surface. However, specially kiln dried will cause a quite blunting effect on the tools due to the Silica content in the heartwood. Pre-drilling is recommended. The results with gluing (also lamination) and finishing are good, but apply a suitable primer to avoid damage caused by bleeding of extractives. Drying goes relatively quickly. Kiln drying must be done with care, to prevent (end) checking.



This beautiful species can be used for several applications:

Interior: e.g. flooring/parquet, doors, window framing and stairs

Exterior: e.g. window framing, doors, garden furniture, cladding and playground equipment

For more information, please contact us: