Sucupira Preto

orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil

Sucupira Preto


Sucupira preto is available in the large forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The trees attain normally diameters of 40 –60 cm, but also diameters over 100 cm are available. The straight and cylindrical trunk has a length of 18 – 21 m. The sapwood is only a few cm wide.



The color of the heartwood is brown to dark brown with a fine and light stripy pattern. The heartwood resembles Wengé. The sapwood can be easily distinguished. The wood has a medium lustre. The grain is straight, sometimes interlocked or curved. The texture is medium coarse.


Processing properties

Despite the high density, Sucupira preto can be machined rather easily. Pre-drilling is necessary. Gluing and finishing are reported to be good. This timber dries slowly with only a few defects.



The beautiful species is used for several applications:

Interior: e.g. furniture, floorings, parquet and stairs

Exterior: e.g. cladding and decking


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