Fava Amargosa

orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil

Fava Amargosa


Fava amargosa is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The straight trunk attains diameter of about 60-90 cm and with a limited zone of sapwood. This species is sometimes known as Angelim amargosa.



The heartwood has a yellow brown color with a bit green shade. It darkens after exposure. The parenchyma around the vessels gives it a stripy appearance. The grain is straight to irregular, sometimes interlocked. The texture is coarse. Fava amargosa has a tendency to leech (water soluble) extractives.


Processing properties

Machining goes well, with a slight blunting effect.  The sawdust of Fava amargosa can sometimes cause an allergic reaction. Pre-drilling is recommended. Finishing and gluing are reported to be good. Drying goes relatively quickly with slight risks of distortion and surface checking.



Fava amargosa can be used for a variety of applications:

Interior: e.g. carpentry, window frames and doors

Exterior: e.g. window frames, cladding, doors, decking and garden timber

For more information, please contact us: sales@preciouswoods.com