Breu Branco

orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil

Breu Branco


Breu branco is available in the forest of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The trunk is mainly straight and attains a diameter up to 80 cm.  It is possible to produce the common sizes.



The heartwood has a whitish grey color, sometimes with a light brown or pinkish shade. It is difficult to distinguish the sapwood. The grain is straight and often remarkable interlocked. The texture is medium coarse.


Processing properties

The processing properties are good. The presence of Silica causes a blunting effect on the tools. In situations with interlocked grain, sharp tools are needed to achieve a smooth result. Pre-drilling is advised. Finishing and gluing are reported to be good.  Drying goes easy with limited drying defects. Compression failure sometimes occurs.



The less durable and light colored timber is only used for interior applications like doors, window frames and carpentry.

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