Angelim Pedra

orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil

Angelim Pedra


Angelim pedra is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The large trees attain heights up to about 45 m and diameters up to 120 cm. The straight and cylindrical clear trunk has a lenght of 20 m. Research (2005) proves that the differences between Sapupira from the different sources/regions are quite small.



Freshly sawn, the color of the heartwood is  orange yellow brown, darkening to (darker) brown. The wood has a remarkable stripy pattern. Irregular darker spots can be found (mineral spots). Green timber has a typical smell which disappears with time. The sapwood is easy to distinguish. The grain is straight to irregular and often interlocked. The texture is coarse.  Sapupira achieved the Dutch KOMO approval for certified timber joinery, both for solid and transparent finish. Sapupira has a tendency to leech out water soluble extractives, but not as much as Merbau. Sometimes the timber is confused with Angelim vermelho.


Processing properties

Machining can be done well, especially with hard metal tools, resulting in a rather smooth surface. Pre-drilling is recommended. The gluing and finishing can be done according to the rules of the Dutch KOMO certification for window and door frames. The GluGreenĀ® Technology could successfully be applied to green sawn timber. Take care for correct filling of the pores in the wood surface during coating. Drying is difficult, with a risk of distortion and checking.



Angelim pedra is widely used for various applications, like interior carpentry, window frames, doors and stairs. Exterior uses are window frames, doors, cladding, park benches, decking and structural beams.

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