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The Precious Woods Group has its headquarters in Zug. Precious Woods consists of three business units and a slim group management, which focuses on the realisation of strategic goals, management of the local companies, marketing and communication, and administration and financial control. The headquarters is the link between the different business units and ensures that they are working together towards the overall success of Precious Woods.
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Headquarters: to Google Maps »
Precious Woods Holding Ltd, Untermüli 6, Switzerland-6300 Zug
Phone +41 41 726 13 13, office@preciouswoods.com
Inquiries about our products: sales@preciouswoods.com
Precious Woods Amazon – MIL Madeiras Preciosas (MIL) owns 572 892 hectares of forest in Itacoatiara, 250 kilometres to the east of Manaus, Brazil, where the company has operated sustainable forestry since 1996.
The harvest volumes are strictly limited. By selling more than 45 different species of wood, market development for lesser-known timber species is actively promoted. The entire production chain of Precious Woods Amazon has been certified according to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) since 1997, and since the end of 2017 also according to the standards of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Thanks to this certified and sustainable management, Precious Woods is able to guarantee the conservation of forests and the diversity of species.
In Precious Woods’ own sawmill near Itacoatiara, the harvested timber is processed into sawn timber and finished products and exported mainly to Europe, the United States, and Asia.
In 2005, Precious Woods bought the biomass power plant BK Energia, which had been in operation since 2002, and it has owned a minority share of 40% since April 2012. As of 1 June, 2021, Precious Woods has 100% of the shares and a name change to MIL Energia Renovável Ltda. The wood residues from the sawmill are burned in this plant, generating electricity for the town of Itacoatiara.
Management plan 2021 (PDF, only Portuguese)
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Headquarters and factory PWA: to Google Maps »
Precious Woods Amazon
MIL Madeiras Preciosas Ltda., Rodovia AM 363, KM 1.5, Zona Rural, Itacoatiara - Amazonas - Brazil, Zip Code (BR) 69109-899
Phone +55 92-99136-5045/5066, Fax +55 92-98533-1664/1682, contato@milmadeiraspreciosas.com.br or sales@preciouswoods.com
For vacancies at Precious Woods Amazon please visit the website milmadeiraspreciosas ».
Precious Woods Energia
MIL Energia Renovável Ltda., Rodovia AM 363, KM 1.5, Zona Rural, Itacoatiara - Amazonas- Brazil, Zip code (BR) 609109-899
Phone +55 92-99136-5045/50661, Fax +55 92-98533-1664/1682
Since 2007, Precious Woods has held majority shares in the companies Compagnie Equatoriale des Bois CEB and Tropical Gabon Industrie TGI in the Central African country of Gabon.
Precious Woods - CEB was the first company in Gabon operating according to the principles of certified and sustainable forestry. As in Brazil, Precious Woods plays a pioneering role in this regard in Gabon. The company developed the first comprehensive management plan for forestry in Central Africa, which also influenced the national forestry legislation. Under Gabonese law, the forest must now be managed according to sustainable principles.
In mid-October 2008, Precious Woods - CEB was the first company in Gabon to receive the certificate of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which guarantees sustainable forest management. Precious Woods - TGI followed in 2009. Since 2018, both companies are also certified across their entire production chain according to the guidelines of the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
Both companies are based in Libreville and employ around 650 people. The employees of Precious Woods - CEB and their families are provided with local housing, electricity, drinking water, shopping opportunities, basic health services, and leisure activities. The local communities also receive financial contributions according to the amount of harvested timber. Delegates of the communities represent the population’s needs and develop projects that are then supported by Precious Woods.
In East Gabon, Precious Woods - CEB manages a concession area of 596 800 hectares, where it harvests about 240 000 cubic metres of logs each year. At the same location, Precious Woods Gabon - CEB operates three sawmills, which have been further expanded since 2011. In Owendo, near Libreville, Precious Woods Gabon - TGI operates its own veneer plant for the production of certified rotary veneer.
Precious Woods holds a 49% stake in the company Compagnie des Placages de la Lowé (CPL) in Gabon. CPL operates two veneer plants in Libreville and Owendo, near Libreville, and was formed in 2020 from the merger of Precious Woods' veneer plant TGI with the veneer factory PDG.
Management plan (PDF, only French)
Headquarters and sawmills CEB: to Google Maps »
Headquarters CPL and factory CPL 1 (ex-TGI): to Google Maps »
Factory CPL 2 (ex-PDG): to Google Maps »
Precious Woods Gabon
Compagnie Equatoriale des Bois S.A., P.O. Box 2262, Rue Kringer Renjombé, Quartier Batterie IV, GA - Libreville
Phone +241 011 73 45 79, Fax +241 011 73 87 80, ceb@preciouswoods.com or sales@preciouswoods.com
Precious Woods Gabon
Tropical Gabon Industrie S.A., P.O. Box 993, Quartier Akournan II, GA - Owendo
Phone +241 011 70 06 86, Fax +241 011 70 56 51
Compagnie des Placages de la Lowé, P.O. Box 8877, GA - Libreville
Phone +241 011 70 54 92, contact.cpl@groupe-arbor.com or sales@preciouswoods.com
Precious Woods Europe B.V., Marktstraat 1 (unit 3.03), 2411 BE Bodegraven, The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 11335117, office@preciouswoods.com
Inquiries about our products: sales@preciouswoods.com